About Us

The National Racial Health Justice Center is being established as a hub for innovators from community, government, and socially responsible businesses on the front lines of creating health equity.  

Too often, innovations in equity are delayed or halted because of limited funding and political hurdles. The Center will create the nationwide infrastructure we need to make the bright spots of progress become the norm, building the momentum needed to achieve racial health equity in our lifetime.


Happy latin grandparents eating lunch with grandchildren at home

Four big lessons from the pandemic have shaped the vision for the Center:

  1. Quick, shared learning and immediate implementation can treat and save more lives. 
  2. On-the-ground community coalitions of those most impacted by inequities can help advance solutions. 
  3. Race-specific strategies reduce disparities. 
  4. Regional collaboration is essential to an equitable recovery. 

The Center takes these lessons learned and builds on them through Four Pillars that push for stronger policies, practices, and investments to address systemic health disparities and ensure healthy futures. 

The National Racial Health Justice Center‘s Four Pillars demonstrate our commitments to racial health equity through research and innovation, public policy, federal investment and regional governmental collaboration. We’re thrilled to embark on this new direction and invite you to learn more and partner with us.